Resources on Dietary Fats
All of the information on the Fats website comes from the resources listed below. We used the following criteria for the resources on this page:
- The websites or books must be current and have updated information. Pages on the website should have a date when the page was updated.
- The information should be referenced so the source of the information can be validated.
- In the case of the organizations, they are either government offices or official organizations associated with a disease or health concern.
Additional information on dietary fats and health can be found at the following webistes.
These tools can help you determine your need for weight loss or how many calories and grams of fat are needed to maintain a healthy weight.
Read more about it by checking out these books from your local library or bookseller.
- American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide by Roberta Larson Duyff (copyright 2006) Buy from Amazon
- The American Heart Association Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cookbook by Amerian Heart Association (4th edition copyright 2008) Buy from Amazon
- American Medical Association Guide to Preventing and Treating Heart Disease: Essential Information You and Your Family Need to Know about Having a Healthy Heart by Amerian Medical Association, Martin S. LIpsky MD, Marla Mendelson, Stephen Havas MD MPH, and MIchael Miller MD (copyright 2008) Buy from Amazon
- Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: the Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating by Walter C. Willet, M.D., Dr. P.H. (copyright 2001) Buy from Amazon
Additional Resources
Page updated on August 27, 2009
©Fats Organization