Not all fats are created equal! You may think that you need to eliminate all fats to have a healthy diet. That's not a good idea. Some fats are needed to maintain good health. These are the good fats. Others can cause health problems. These are the bad fats.
Every day, through all types of media, we are bombarded with information on diet and health. How can we make sense of the information overload and conflicting or confusing information? Is fat good or bad for you, and how much should you eat? At the Fats website, we will explain:
Download the Wallet Card.
The Wallet Card contains information on which foods contain good and bad fats and general diet suggestions. Print the card and use the crop marks to trim. Tape the two pieces together. Fold the card into three based on the columns. Place the card in your wallet and remember to use it! Print extra copies for your friends!
Test your knowledge about fats in your diet and how they affect your health by taking the Fatty Quiz.
Page updated on August 27, 2009
©Fats Organization