Diana Dill: Technical Writer & Computer Specialist


Plagiarism Module
Paraphrasing Module
The two modules listed above are Captivate SCORMs available through Canvas. The self-enroll Canvas course is available as adaptive release. In order to release content, the student must complete the required components. After completing the final quiz with a score higher than 80 percent, the user is eligible for a badge. This video provides a walk-through of the Canvas course.
This module was created to supplement the Academic Integrity modules and a SCORM version is available in Canvas. Created in Articulate Rise 360.
Document Design
This module is an example of one of the lesons from my 16 week Technical Writing course, taught at Point Park University. Originally, this content was presented in a face-to-face class and then adapted for an online course. Created in Articulate Rise 360.


Instructional Writing
This document contains instructional examples that show employees how to use the tools provided by the library. LibAnswers is the reference statistic collection tool. LibCal allows library staff to provide a schedule for appointments with users. InCites is a bibliometrics tool, and Zotero is a citation management tool.
General Writing
This book chapter was also published in American Libraries on November 1, 2019. It describes our efforts at creating a Community of Practice at the library.
Grant Report
This report was the output from an ARL research award. For the award, we created a rubric to assess student skill acquisition using primary sources in instructional settings. The report documented our data collecting procedures, analysis, and recommendations. I was an active member of the research group and co-wrote the report. Before publication, I proofread the document and standardized the document design.
Analytical Report
I performed an analysis of the reference questions asked at the University of Pittsburgh Library, which formed the basis of this report that I wrote. The reference group approved the recommendations, which were then presented to the Associate University Librarian responsible for reference.