Contact Information

General Information

The Fats Organization's mission is to provide health care information to the general public in easy to understand English. It is funded through grants from the National Institute of Health (NIH).

  		Fats Organization
  		xxx Fifth Ave.
  		Pittsburgh, Pa. 15260
  		Phone: (412)-555-3287
  		Fax:   (412)-555-3287

Order free copies of the Fats Wallet Card

Please specify the mailing address and number of cards. If you are an organization, please let us know. We have special information for bulk orders.

  		Fats Wallet card
  		c/o Fats Organization
  		xxxx Fifth Ave.
  		Pittsburgh, Pa. 15260
  		Phone: (412)-555-FATS (3287)

Information on dietary fats

  		Fats Answer Line
  		Phone: (412)-555-FATS (3287)
  		email: fats@

Questions/Problems with the Website

  		email: webmaster@none.bbb

All content on this website has been created by the writers at the Fats Organization.

Page updated on August 27, 2009

©Fats Organization